What. In. The. Actual Fuck.
Who thought it was a good idea to have Luna kiss her daddy on the lips 5 minutes after finding out from a new paternity test that he's not her daddy?
Disgusting. Disturbing and absolutely brilliant on the writer's part because now, everything that we thought we assumed to be true has just been thrown up in the air. There are so many things to question.
What if Bill IS her father and Luna didn't actually look at the result? What if he is playing her to see if she is tag-teaming him with Poppy? That would be cruel, but Bill isn't known to be the nicest guy when he thinks someone is running a game on him. I don't think that's what is going on here, but what if?
I know you saw that smile on Luna's face and crazy look in her eye when she kissed Bill. That was not the look of someone making a bad decision is an emotional moment. That kiss looked premeditated and her expression was one of satisfaction. She got her mother out of the way and now she could move in on Bill herself.
Luna is not the pile of remarkable sweetness that we have seen for months. That tremendous young woman (words that have been shoved down our throats to describe her for months) has been playing everyone for months, and why? Think about it, she laid it all out for us when she broke down and admitted to Bill how hard her life with Poppy has been.
Were those mints the final straw, or were they an excuse just for Luna to sleep with Zende? Ya have to question absolutely everything at this point.
Would she set up her mother for murder? She has just as much reason to want Tom Starr dead as Poppy had. Luna didn't want to give up her version of happily ever after either. If Tom Starr came to their house who is to say he hadn't talked to Luna alone off camera? And that backpack of letters, did Luna bring it to the apartment? Was she getting it from Il Gardino when Hollis found her? Did she poison him with the drugs too so that the secret wouldn't get out?
I have so many questions. And I really think Finn is her father. If Poppy accidentally drugged and hooked up with Finn when he was in college, and then got pregnant, Luna would have Sheila's psycho DNA. And if I'm being honest, in that one crazy scene, I can totally see Lisa Yamada's Luna going toe to toe with Kimberlin Brown's Sheila.
Oh and one more thing, Luna has yet to call RJ?! Or to visit her mom in jail. That tells you her real attachment to the two people that she is supposed to be the closest to.
I don't know what's real and what's not, but I'm totally here for it.